.• And hers was a presence that shined like the sun; all were victim to her burning rays •.
General Information
「 Current Health Status: Post-Partum Recovery 」
Race & Clan
Height & Weight
Birth Place
Combat Prof.
**Relationship **

Twenty-Sixth Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon 1399 6th A.E. | ♍︎
Six fulms Three Ilms | Approximately Two-hundred & Thirty Ponz
Golmore Jungle, Othard
The Kingdom of Dalmasca, Othard [Nulled due to Annexation]
Scion of the Seventh Dawn | Emerita of Raithwall | Aetherologist | Calamatologist
Rune Fencer
Lawful Neutral • ENFJ-T
Partnered with Olvaire Meissonnier
Often outspoken and at times intrusively provoking, the viera known only as 'Rayne' to all she encounters is considered at best mostly tolerable for a woman of her position — at worst, downright obnoxious. Despite displaying an air of petulance typically out of want for entertainment, Rayne isn't a difficult woman to earn the favour of — so long as you know what to say and how to say it. Though, as easy as it might be to get on her good side, one as well find themselves easily aggravating her; she is noted to not hesitate confronting such when the occasion rears its head. Having accepted the fate of her prolonged lifespan and the troubles that come with such, her polarizing personality can presumptuously come from a desire to protect her feelings.
"I've suffered the burdening loss of being merely one woman with far too many bells to spare and even less skill to use them wisely.A meaningless self-assigned expectation.I now understand I was blinded by a cause meant to be carried by many — such ideals is what makes them stronger."
While there are pitiful attempts to withdraw from the company of other spoken, ones that can only honestly be described as “half-assed” – Rayne is often left to mend the wounds time is wont to inflict on her. A once knight of the Dalmascan Order – as well an esteemed academic scholar during this period – the woman spent her time after these endeavours as a vagabond of the sorts, traveling from location to location to study the aether of Hydaelyn as well as accept jobs that suited her skillset. After finding a once believed to be dead long-time friend, Rayne found the focus she had lost over the years rekindled. As a result, she established Raithwall Institute of Aetherial and Corporeal Science, an esteemed institution for practitioners and researchers of aether and all things related. When the realms saw the emergence of dangerous spires that wrought unspeakable despair in their wake, Rayne was procured an offer of application through Maelstrom and her work alongside the Ironworks to join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn in a call for man power. She now uses her institute as a bastion of knowledge and protection on their behalf.Loud as she is persistent, if you manage to find yourself under her "care", you can be certain she will keep tabs on you until the end of her suns – or more than likely, yours.

• Some may take note of her occasionally changing mane colour. As silver haired as most viera come, Rayne has turned to dyeing her hair after leaving the Wood.• The viera – while once notably muscular due to her often visible arms and legs – softened for nearly a year as a result of her pregnancy with her daughter. Since then, she has made a daily effort to regain her strength and form – and while not perfect, has managed back into better shape.• Her feet are digitigrade, as a result of her leporine biology – therefore inclining her toward heeled shoes at all times. As well does a tufted short tail rest nestled just at the base of her spine.
I. Ravanese (Golmoran) | Advanced Mid | Advanced Low |
II. Dalmascan Common | Advanced High | Advanced High |
III. Hingan | Intermediate Mid | Novice High |
IV. Thavnarian | Intermediate Low | No Proficiency |
Language fluency is dictated by the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines,which you can read by clicking here.
Rayne's voice holds true the remnants of her heritage back home in Golmore. A subdued accent lingering over her refined common, you can hear an example of how she might be perceived in game below:
◈ Voice Inspiration: Katrín Jakobsdóttir ◈
These items are nearly always on Rayne's form at some capacity. Their frequency noted alongside their decriptions.

Ornate Sheathed Sabre • Frequent
Nestled at the woman's side is her trusted blade, one that has been through over thirty years of her long life. Rich with history, it supposedly has a name bestowed upon it – one to be learned through interacting with the woman.Its made up compounds are rare in nature: refined mythril mixed with other amplifying ores for use of focus in magick conduction – the carefully carved runes over the face of its surface speak volumes of the specificity of its job.

Golden Pearl Ring • Always
A decorative ring never excluded from Rayne's day-to-day apparel on her right forefinger. There is an unspoken value to the accessory – perhaps a gift from turns passed.

Satchel • Frequent
Rayne's work bag. Within it, are various potions, documents, tomes and tools for measuring aether. She also tends to carry pouches of dried fruit/meat, as well a gil pouch of daily varying weight.• Pickpocketing of this item is permit, although a /roll is required for detection.

Golden Calligraphy Pen • Situational
Typically only on the woman when her satchel is with her, the pen is engraved with vines and foliage. The ivory shaft of the pen has the word Ratlljóst carved onto the surface, a Golmoran phrase for Enough Light to Navigate.View the full image of it here

Aged Journal • Situational
Only ever on her when carrying her satchel, Rayne's journal his rich with the woman's long history and has been with her since her arrival outside the Wood.Bound by lock and key, wherever the tool used to open it may be, it is not overly apparent to any potential pickpockters
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